Fellow Designs was founded by Ben Wadhams through his desire to make unique high quality furniture that not only looks good, but lasts.
Ben designs, makes, and finishes everything at Fellow Designs. His eye for detail and high standard of craftmanship show in the pieces that he makes.
Ben takes inspiration from the nature that surrounds him, drawing influence from natural patterns and textures to produce interesting and distinctive furniture.

Behind Fellow Designs has a core belief that what we do cannot be reproduced by mass manufacturers. We are motivated to make high quality furniture with the knowledge that time, skill, thought, and enthusiasm have all been instrumental in ensuring that it will last for generations.

Each project is embarked upon with the same set of values:
Function – A furniture’s use is the starting point of any design. With every piece we ask the same question, what will this be used for and how is this best achieved.
Style – Whether it injects style into a room or matches the aesthetic of a building, the look of our furniture must be equal to its function.
Space – Where a piece of furniture will sit will influence each design. We always consider the best use of space and how to make the most of the furniture within it.
Quality – Making sure that every project is treated with the same attention and care guarantees that it will meet our own high standards of workmanship.